This process takes place over the course of 1-3 sessions with a focus on identifying and defining core problems and the target of further treatment. Each session is approximately 45-60min and involves significant interaction between patient and therapist. Assessment may also include standardized questionnaires, collaboration (only with your understanding, agreement and written permission) with other treatment providers and/or relevant family members, as well as encouragement to ask questions to decide whether or not therapy is right for you at this time.
Short-term Therapy
Short term therapy will likely take place over the course of 8 to 16 sessions, depending on your situation. This type of therapy often involves practice exercises that take place on your own time, which may speed the rate of progress and serve as discussion points in subsequent sessions. Short term therapy is generally solution focused rather than focused on developing a deep insight and self-awareness. Research shows that significant gains can be made in short term therapy. Upon completion of short term therapy, you are free to return at any time for ‘booster’ sessions or to work on additional issues that may arise. Some clients decide upon completion of short term goals that they are interested in more long term work geared toward self-understanding. Such a transition is possible and in many cases beneficial.
Long-term Therapy
Long term therapy is sometimes referred to as psychodynamic or insight-oriented psychotherapy. It may last up to a year or longer depending on the person. This kind of therapy involves a more detailed look at the past and the ways in which early relationships impacted your development and continue to interfere in your relationships and functioning today. Specifically, long term therapy may examine ways in which early patterns of relating repeat themselves in the therapeutic and other significant relationships. Long term therapy is less focused on immediate behavior change and helps to develop deeper understanding of oneself.
Alcohol/Drug Counseling
Some patients are referred for specific alcohol and/or drug counseling by family, friends, or legal issues. Others may know that they have a problem with alcohol or drugs and are seeking different treatment options. Regardless of how a person finds themselves seeking this type of service, Dr. Rick Barnett has an expertise in this area and will work with patients openly and honestly to deal with this issue.